W3C HTML5 規范: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
Opera dev: Improve your forms with
HTML5: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/improve-your-forms-using-html5/
Comparison of layout
HTML 5 中的新元素:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/x-html5/
如何在 IE
中使用 HTML5 元素 http://www.planabc.net/2009/06/13/how_to_use_html5_elements_in_ie/
Preparing for HTML5 with Semantic Class Names
A great beginning overview of HTML 5 Yes, You Can Use HTML 5 Today!
basic overview from Wikipedia Wikipedia: HTML 5
A great quick guide to HTML
5 as a printable PDF HTML 5 Cheat Sheet
A great set of demos. Just view the
source to see how they work. HTML 5 Demos
An example of how to use
Drag-n-Drop in HTML 5 HTML 5 Drag and Drop + Microformats = a whole world of
See what’s possible with HTML 5 HTML 5 Gallery
A powerful
demo of how forms work in HTML 5 HTML 5 Forms Demo
A great general resource
on HTML 5 HTML 5 Doctor
A good article from HTML 5 Doctor on the Header
element Headers in HTM 5
A useful article from HTML 5 Doctor on the Video
element Video elements
A tutorial on how to build a blog in HTML 5 Designing
a blog with html5
Another great article from HTML 5 Doctor How to get HTML5
working in IE and Firefox 2
The whole spec, in all it’s scary technical
detail HTML 5 – Draft Standard
An opinion piece from A List Apart Semantics
in HTML 5
Some quick thoughts on accessibility problems with the Canvas
element Thinking About HTML 5 canvas Accessibility
A post by Zeldman on the
HTML 5 Nav element HTML 5: nav ambiguity resolved
A great list from Molly
about which HTML 5 features are supported by which browsers A Selection of
Supported Features in HTML5
The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working
Group – the folks working on the HTML 5 spec The WHATWG Blog
A great
in-depth tutorial on how the HTML 5 Canvas element works HTML 5 canvas
demo of how the Drag-n-Drop functionality works. Native Drag and Drop
Mozilla Labs experiment on how to build an extensible Web code editor using HTML
5 technology. Bespin
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG
and other upcoming web technologies When can I use…
A good resource from
WikipediaComparison of layout engines (HTML 5)
HTML 5 canvas —— 基本語法 http://kb.operachina.com/node/190
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- Sep 06 Tue 2011 16:49